Friday, May 04, 2007


“因为我是the best leader!” 他理直气壮地回答。
1. 雷厉风行
Nornor ---“Hey, Team! Rescue needed. Are you ready?”
我左右看看,就我这一个小兵嘛, 赶紧回答: “Ready!”
2. 军令严明
Nornor ---“Ok, you put on your fire suite and drive the fire truck!”
我: “那你干嘛?!
Nornor ---“Just follow my direction! I will be driving the helicopter.”
3. 利用资源
Nornor --- “The fire is getting bigger and bigger. We need help. I am going to call on other teams for help.”
Me --- “太好了! 那我是不是就可以歇歇了?“
Nornor --- “不行!Other teams are here to help put off the fire on top floors. You stay here to spring water on the first floor!”
4. 奖赏大方
Nornor ---- “Good job, teams! We are going to have a celebration party! We are going to invite the teams who come to help us. Thank you teams for helping us. Please help again next time!”
5. 派头十足
Nornor ---“OK teams. We will have pizza in our celebration party. I am going to order the pizza from my helicopter.”
6. 心狠手辣
Nornor ---- “No. I am going to embarrass them, so they will work harder next time!”

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