Monday, January 25, 2010


nornor学校组织the big backyard walk, 讨论水的三种状态。
一家长给每个小朋友发了一个试管, 问:“if you fill the test tube with snow, close the cap really tight, and leave it in your locker for the morning, what will happen by the time you check on it again at noon?"
小朋友们纷纷举手:“it will melt!" “the snow will turn into water!"
“Right,"这家长接着问:“will the tube be as full? why?"
又有几个小朋友举手:“it will be less full, because the snow melted into water."
终于轮到nornor回答,他说:“The tube will be less full because when water changes states, from solid snow to liquid, the volumn changes. The test tube was packed with snow. In room temperature, snow melts into liquid water. Volumn reduces and the tube becomes less full. But that is not the complete answer. It also matters that the cap is closed tightly so the water does not evaporate into gas. The higher the temperature is, the more likely the water evaporates into gas and gas takes more volumn........."

nornro想在学校的international night表演karate, 为此他特意跑去游说他的教练Sensai Jill 想让教练带队参加。
教练一翻自己的calendar, 那天她正好已经订了飞机票去佛罗里达看自己的妈妈。
Jill:“I am so sorry, but I am going to Florida on that day to see my mom."
nornor:"So, you are going to Florida on exactly the same day?"
nornor :"Have you aleady booked your ticket?"
nornor:"And I guess you are not going to change your ticket either?"
Jill:"no. can't change it."
nornor:"are you going alone?"
Jill:"Yes, myself, to see my mom."
nornor:"Why can't Sensai Kevin lead the team to my school then?!"
(Sensai Kevin比sensai Jill的段级还高,但平时不教nornor这个班。”
"Why can't Sensai Kevin lead the team to your school then?!" Jill不由得重复了一遍nornor的问题,又跑过来给我描述了这段对话, 说:“he got me."

结果nornor在后座不紧不慢地说:“妈妈,you did nothing wrong, nothing illegal. It says no parking, but it did not say no pausing. You paused, but you did not park. Pausing is not parking. They may both start with a P. They may also sound alike. But there is a huge difference between the two. I can spend the following hours to tell all the differences........"

OMG, 我仿佛看到一颗未来的律师明星在我面前冉冉升起, 所有臭名昭著,劣迹累累的tricks:
1. get the facts straight
2. argue the nuances
3. play with the language
4. seek alternatives


Starsea said...

zan nornor

lanfear said...
