Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am still recoupng from the craziness, but had thought to write it down before I completely forget how crazy it was and how much it should never happen again!

The number says it all: in the month of October 2011, I......
  • billed more than 50 hours of contract work
  • organized a PTA event that included  10 activties, drew a crowd of 300+people and raised $1000+
  • co-led a food pantry drive of 400+ cans
  • travelled out of town for 3 days
  • went to 3 birthday parties
  • hosted 1 toastmaster
  • advised 30+ students within the 2-week open-door period
All above are on top of my full-time job of teaching a 4-course load and my full-time job of being a mom.

As nature has it, there are only so many hours in a month. You can not exceed it and something must have been left out.

What is sufferring from the craziness? This question prompted my re-examination of priorities and how the center of my life has to be refocused.

So, for November. Not 1 single aforelisted bullet point will happen!

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