Monday, November 15, 2010





(2)state champion
第二块儿给了运运, 说:“谢谢你for being so cute."
第三块儿给了我, 说:“谢谢你总是这么快乐。”

Friday, November 05, 2010

教nornor English Writing (8): closing

就象一段文字要有closing一样, 整个恶补我还是希望对儿子能有点帮助的, 所以最

回到这番努力的初衷:儿子写作的主要症结是久久写不出来。那他写不出来是因为什么呢?通过这次对话,我觉得儿子写不出来的主要原因是对老师提的topic可能并不是很感兴趣,或者不熟悉。 而这个问题是不可避免的, 老师才不会像我这样做铺垫,顺着他的思路给topic呢。

那怎么办呢?我就抛出了我准备好的重点之一:audience. 明确告诉儿子说:不管写什么,都可以有audience, 都可以给audience提供些什么, 所以无论拿到什么topic, 先锁定一个audience, 就象要对着这个人说话一样,把自己想说的东西写下啦。儿子是个还算比较social的人。我像这样对他讲,他容易理解和操作。

提前准备好的writing ABC的B是说, english writing就是八股文,每段话都是一个意思说三遍:topic sentence, body, closing 都是说的同一件事情。 儿子的问题是卡在了topic上,如果有了topic, 看来他还是会这个八股文格式的。但我还是明确地肯定了他对八股文格式的掌握, 希望他能继续。

提前准备好的writing ABC的C是说,要想写得好, 遣词造句的功力需要长期全面深入地磨练。 我尖刻地指出他拼写的错误,其实就是想让他认识到这点的重要性。 可是我的拼写也不好, 每次都靠 所以,我也不便太多要求儿子。 而且儿子显然基础还很差, 现在要求这个对他来说有点早。

教nornor English Writing (7): 如何评判


我之所以修改教案,之所以花那么长的时间和儿子对话讨论,就是因为这个好与坏的标准太难定了。 首先来说,写作的目的不同,当然评判的标准不同。其次来讲,挑毛病总比创作本身来得容易。(所以这个世界上剧评家的数目超过了剧作家。)

既然前面的铺垫工作已经做了,我这次给儿子恶补的重点以及相应的标准现在就比较狭隘和明确是:以读者的角度来评判, 他和我分别写的这段话是否work? 也就是说撇开个人恩怨,如果你是一个voter, 你读了这个人写的这段话, 会不会vote for him/her? 如果会,为什么?如果不会, 又为什么?

标准是狭隘的,但背后的基本原则我觉得还是很有普遍性的:写东西之前,最好先明确一下这个好与坏的标准。而通常情况下,这个标准都是和audience有关。所以在彼此评判的过程中,我已经暗暗埋伏下我想给儿子强化的writing ABC的A:audience. 



1. I like it that you said hello and told me your name. It feels personable to me and should help establish connection with the audience.
2. You had a clear position statement, followed by supporting points and a definite closing. The whole paragraph makes one good argument for a clear purpose.

1. Why should I elect you president if you could not even spell president?! There are so many spelling and grammar problems that it became very distractive for me to read what you were trying to say.

2. How do I know if you can keep your promises? You said so many things you “will” or “would” do. But I don’t see how you are able to do it.

与此同时, nornor在评判我写的那一段。

首先他在我写的那段上面highlight了几个字。第一个就是第一句话里面的children’s future。 他表示质疑其余法的正确性。我english writing时, 确实最不好把握的就是拼写和语法。 这个因为一是我的外文,二无法短期改进,我暂时没作为这次恶补的一小时的内容的重点。 所以后来review的时候,他提出这个质疑,我没有花太多时间讨论。

第二组highlight的字是:“fundamentals”和 “economic”。他说他不认识这两个字。 这就是写作中也很重要的问题了:词汇量!我早就说过了,nornor的词汇量不大。上次我到PA请教, 结果好像除了多读多写也没有什么特别快捷有效的提高词汇量的方法。这次恶补只有一个小时的时间, 而孩子需要补的东西太多,只能咬牙取舍:这个写作中词汇量的问题也不是这次恶补的重点。我就简单给他解释了一下这两个词的意思,请他继续读完我写的这段话,然后作出评判。

1. You did not tell me how you’re going to take care of the country。
2. You only told me how wonderful you are。
3. Are you only going to help children get education?
4. Who are you? Who are you talking to?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. You told me how you could help a little。

是不是:没有harsh, 只有harsher?!

教nornor English Writing (6): Let's write then

我当即趁热打铁, 说:how about we do it now? You and I each write a paragraph asking people to vote for you or me to be the president.

儿子很兴奋地立马去写了。开天辟地第一回儿,没有上厕所,就写完了下面一段。 (真实复述。拼写错误全是他的原版,我没做任何改动。)

Hello, my name is Justin. I want you to vote for me as presedent. I wil help the poor, and help oder and younger people. I'd try to help states to recover from tornadoes, typhoons, and huracanes. I'll give huge presents for the best educational public school. I would also help stop bed bug invasion. I'll stop wars and make peace and talk to them instead of fight and cause a war. I can run places well because I been governor (presend) and everybody likes me. Thats why I think you should vote for me.

公平起见, 我自己也写了一篇:
Do you care about your children’s future? Do you want our country to prosper? If you answer yes to any of these questions, please vote for me to be the next president. I am committed to serve our country and I am able to give you the answer. Growing up in my family’s farm, I learned hard working and responsibilities at an early age. Going through public schools and earning a highest degree in education, I developed curiosity, understanding, and love of our society. Working as a business professor in the past twenty years, I taught our young citizens the fundamentals of economic development, capability building, and service to the nation. Bing a small business owner at the same time, I practiced what I teach and participated in the everyday excitement of our country’s growth. If elected, I will use my experiences to strengthen education, develop the economy, and secure our country’s future. It is the answer you are looking for. Why wait? Vote for me now.

教nornor English Writing (5): what is good writing?

对话进行到这里,我看motivation也开始冒芽了, 就又“自然而然”地问:how do you know if you write well then?
儿子说:Submit your writing and then see if it works.
我立马追问:how do you know if it works?
儿子说:If it moves towards the direction you want it to go?
我继续prompt: Give me an example.
儿子说:Say, you want to be elected the president. You write to ask people to vote for you and you were elected.

教nornor English Writing (4): Why write?

中午吃饭的时候,我就把这个问题“自然而然”地抛出来了:In what situations do people write?

(我和儿子一直是中文对话的。我的英语口语不好, 但为了儿子的长远的身心健康,我只好赶鸭子上架, 开始拽 E文了。对了,写和说的基因看来不是直接挂钩的。 我儿子能说,可就是不会写。)

Here are the answers from nornor, prompted by my questions.

1. You write things down so you can remember. (赞儿子知道好脑子敌不过烂笔头。)
2. You write stuff to get people entertained. For example, a book, good stories. (赞儿子为人民服务的觉悟)
3. You need to write for school or work, to learn or to teach. For example , authors who write non-fictions to inform/ teach people. (赞儿子实用主义) write to get something, for example a job, money. (I will write everyday if writing a letter to mom will get me money:D).(赞儿子功利主义)
5. You can just write for fun. (me: please elaborate: how?) if you have nothing to do, you can sit down and write down what you did (for fun) or you can create a game and write down how to play. Mmotivation终于开始冒个小丫了)。

其实我并不在乎他给我什么答案. 我就是想通过这个对话,让他意识到写的必要性。整个对话过程,我也未加任何干预或评价。 我是做好了准备,以开放的心态和他谈谈这个问题。如果当时他不想谈,我也不会坚持的,就象如果他实在觉得没有什么可写的,硬逼估计也逼不出来。

教nornor English Writing (3): 修改教案

后来背了背课,(也就是上网google了一下how to teach kids to write), 决定调整教案, 如下:
(1)半个小时的discussion: why do we need to write? what does good writing look like? what is preventing you to do so?
(2)半个小时的Exercise: write a paragraph on.....

准备引导的重点是:writing ABC

A: audience

B: just begin to write

C: clarity


基因论者说:写作好的人天生就会写。他写个东西这么难, 说明他就没有这个基因。你教也没用。努力论者说:多练自然就会写了。他写个东西这么难,就说明他还是练得少。你教他是教不来的。

总之这个坑挖不大,没有正反方, 政治舆论一致指向:不推!(君不见推妈集中营人声鼎沸, 各式推法推陈出新? 政客, 真的是totally out of touch 呀!!!)

我与其说是决定教他一下,不如说是我想满足一下自己的好奇心:我这么一心推己,从不推人的妈, 怎么就没有一个自推的儿子?!

特别是,暑假的时候,我lg的姐姐的儿子, 和nornor 差不多大,到北京和我们一起玩。 每到一地,必回家唰唰唰, 执笔洋洋洒洒地写一大片游记, 通篇可以说是字字珠玑,句句生辉,旁征博引,情真意切。。。。 我看了,恨不得一把抱过来,喊声“亲儿子!” 简直是我小时候的翻版呀。 我小学时, 最喜欢读的书? "优美词句选"! 最喜欢帮别人的事情? 替写作文/情书/检讨。。。。

难道我的基因迷了路?但怎么迷路也不可能跑到我lg的姐姐的儿子身上呀?!I got to find out what is getting in the way for my son to write!!!

(1) motivation: did not see the need to write.
(2) lack of basic training: how to write sentences.
(3) having some difficulties: to get started, to elaborate, etc....


教nornor English Writing (2): 准备教案

既然要教, 我还是做了一些准备工作的, 提前作了计划和构思。

这周三学校half day,我准备中午接了nornor后,吃完饭让他先睡1个小时,然后给他上两个小时的writing强化班!

(1)半个小时的lecture: what does good writing look like.

(2) 半个小时的Exercise: write a paragraph on.....

(3) 半个小时的feedback and coaching

(4) 半个小时的revision

教nornor English Writing (1) 我迷失的写作基因

大言不惭地说, 本人的写作水平那还是可以说是相当地好滴。

虽然高中上的是理科,高考最帮我挣分的, 还是语文。 据说, 咱当年也是高考满分

作文。 当然, 那是一个无法人肉的时代, 你们就给我这个面子无从考证一下吧:)

出国后读了一个纯文科的学位, 咬牙切齿写了N篇paper后,我进了一个纯靠说和写挣

钱的公司, 很骄傲自己经历了N次layoff还混得不错, 期间有几篇大作估计还是立下


谁说儿子的聪明基因100%来自母亲?! 那写作能力算不算聪明的一部分?我的亲生儿

子,偏篇显然弄丢了我的写作基因。 每次做个作业, 老师让“Please write at

least 5 sentences about ......", 他就备受煎熬:木呆呆地看着作业纸,叹气,咬

铅笔,再叹气,再咬铅笔, 再叹气,写一两个字, 擦掉,再叹气, 再咬铅笔, 再写

一两个字, 再擦掉。。。。。期间还会频繁地上厕所,喝水,再上厕所。。。。

后妈我,虽然可以面不改色心不跳地挖一块煮烂的饺子给儿子当午饭, 连续三年


之漫长, 叹息之沉重,上厕所之频繁, 让后妈开始担心其长远的身心健康。
